The Fiend “See You in Hell” wallpaper!

the fiend bray wyatt

The Fiend vs. Seth Rollins HIAC wallpaper

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Looks like The Fiend is on his way to his first WWE Universal Championship reign.

I just can’t see a scenario where Seth Rollins will retain his title without damaging the monster momentum Bray Wyatt has right now. Finn Balor might interfere, but it’s unlikely at this stage. Vince McMahon has put a lot of trust in The Fiend’s push, even Kane wasn’t able to escape the random attacks. Armed with Bray Wyatt’s brains, Mankind’s deadly Mandible Claw and intimidation tactics, The Fiend will go to the deepest depths of hell to get whatever he wants, and this time it’s the coveted Universal Championship. Seth Rollins needs to pull all the stops here to defeat and escape The Fiend’s psychological and physical attacks.

WWE Hell In A Cell is just around the corner-and The Fiend plans to see Rollins in hell.

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