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    NEW CM Punk “Best in the World” wallpaper!

    CM Punk = EPIC.

    Right from the start of the main event, the crowd was electric for this one. CM Punk, the hometown hero, had the crowd on his hand. Make no mistake about it, the atmosphere wasn’t just because it was a Chicago homecoming for Punk, but because he got everyone’s attention ever since he cut that shoot promo on RAW 3 weeks ago. People were excited to see what will happen on his title match against John Cena and what do you know, both competitors delivered possibly the match of the year. This wasn’t a WrestleMania match but it was probably heaps better than the whole WrestleMania 27 event. It reminded me and most of the older fans how the Attitude era constantly produced these kind of electricity and matches (well, maybe not so much on the matches) weekly and on PPVs. I think we can all thank CM Punk for that. He brought fire to my/our idle passion for wrestling again.

    Now that he has become WWE Champion, I think we can safely say that he has been resigned by WWE..but he will still take that much needed vacation. When he comes back, we all know he will be ready to rock the house again, and most likely, for the long haul.

    And still be the best in the world.

    Congratulations Phil Brooks aka CM (Chicago Made) Punk from Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers! I now present you guys this new logo wallpaper of the WWE Champion! The design is featured in his newest t-shirt and just like the old times, quickly made a wallpaper out of it, modified of course 🙂 Download this CM Punk logo wallpaper for free today!

    Disclaimer: Images and logo of CM Punk belong to and are copyrighted to/by WWE. There is no copyright infringement intended.

    CM Punk wallpaper
    New WWE Champion CM Punk Best in the World logo wallpaper
    1920×1200 | 1680×1050 | 1600×900 | 1440×900 | 1280×1024 | 1280×800 | 1024×768 / iPad | 800×600 | PSP wallpaper | iPod Touch / iPhone wallpaper | 3D wallpaper

    NEW Woo Woo Woo You Know It! Zack Ryder wallpaper!

    Here’s another hot commodity that isn’t on WWE Raw more often – none other than the Internet Champion, Zack Ryder. I’ve seen the videos and I must say this guy’s definitely got what it takes to be a huge WWE Superstar. He’s entertaining as hell. I personally find his interactions with his dad the funniest of each Z! True Long Island Story. Imagine Zack bringing his dad to RAW and then his dad goes crazy when he sees his mancrush John Morrison, that would be gold! Also, Zack Ryder signs are all over the events and you can’t deny this guy has the ‘net fans on his hand right now. He needs to get acknowledged by WWE before they miss out on another golden opportunity, just like in the case of CM Punk.

    Honestly, I haven’t seen all Zack’s episodes..just the recent ones. I’m intrigued as to how he was able to pull off all of this. This guy is money waiting to happen! So please Vince, don’t relegate him to Superstars. He should be on RAW each and every week from now on. Woo woo woo..you know it! Man, I’m excited for his future. Looks bright if he doesn’t get screwed up.

    Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers presents the Twitter, Facebook and YouTube junkie, Zack Ryder! Get the wrestling wallpaper of the Internet Champ right away! It ain’t Matt Hardy anymore 😉 And as always, take care..spike your hair!

    Disclaimer: Image(s) and logo(s) of Zack Ryder belong to and are copyrighted to/by WWE. There is no copyright infringement intended.

    Zack Ryder Broski wallpaper
    Zack Ryder WWWYKI wallpaper
    1920×1200 | 1680×1050 | 1600×900 | 1440×900 | 1280×1024 | 1280×800 | 1024×768 / iPad | 800×600 | PSP wallpaper | iPod Touch / iPhone wallpaper | 3D wallpaper

    NEW CM Punk “Revolution” wallpaper!

    CM Punk had the wrestling world in a tremendous buzz this past week on RAW. His (worked) shoot promo at the end of the show was one of the best wrestler promos I’ve ever seen in my life. It was brutally honest yet still a bit controlled/contained. Too bad WWE quickly pulled the plug when Punk was about to tell a personal story about Vince.

    His co-workers, co-wrestlers – friends or enemies (Kurt Angle) gave him nothing but praise, except for The Rock. Dwayne retaliated by saying he’s on the main event of WrestleMania 28 because he can draw more money in one night than Punk can draw in his whole lifetime. To a certain extent, that may be true, for now. There’s no telling if CM Punk can use this momentum he has right now, stay in WWE, and then who knows maybe in a year or two, he’ll be the new top face of the company. His own one-man revolution right now could be a money maker for WWE on the near future, especially if he feuds with hopefully-soon-to-be heel Cena and McMahon on MITB PPV. The reversal of roles would be kind of similar to Bret Hart and Stone Cold Steve Austin before. It would then mark a new era in WWE, though Cena is totally dominating everything right now, from PG programming to winning matches in Superman fashion. CM Punk may not be the best to some, but he’s definitely better than John Cena. Here’s hoping WWE will pull out a swerve and retain CM Punk for the long haul. Let him roll with the ball and we’ll know whether he can back up his words or not. I think it’ll be the former.

    Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers shoots on this brand new CM Punk wallpaper! Let’s join his revolution today! Download the wrestling wallpaper right now!

    Disclaimer: Image(s) of CM Punk belong to and are copyrighted to/by WWE. There is no copyright infringement intended.

    CM Punk WWE wallpaper
    “The Best Wrestler in the World” CM Punk wallpaper
    1920×1200 | 1680×1050 | 1600×900 | 1440×900 | 1280×1024 | 1280×800 | 1024×768 / iPad | 800×600 | PSP wallpaper | iPod Touch / iPhone wallpaper | 3D wallpaper

    NEW Randy Orton and John Cena wallpaper!

    Some might say the current holders of the 2 major titles in WWE shouldn’t be the ones holding them right now. Some say it should be The Miz. Some say Christian. Well, I say these 2 are the rightful holders, based on what they can do to elevate up and coming main eventers like Christian, Miz, R-Truth and Alberto Del Rio. Anytime you beat these 2 future WWE Legends for their titles will always solidify the challengers’ spots on the main event scene. John Cena and Randy Orton, like them or not, will always be solid choices in building talent pushes and it only helps those guys when they’re challenging Cena or Orton for their respective titles.

    Keeping it short, Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers brings to you the biggest heavyweight champs WWE has seen..John Cena as WWE Champion and Randy Orton as World Heavyweight Champion. Get this wrestling wallpaper today!

    Disclaimer: Images of Randy Orton and John Cena belong to and are copyrighted to/by WWE. There is no copyright infringement intended.

    John Cena Randy Orton wallpaper
    Randy Orton and John Cena as Champions wallpaper
    1920×1200 | 1680×1050 | 1600×900 | 1440×900 | 1280×1024 | 1280×800 | 1024×768 / iPad | 800×600 | PSP wallpaper | iPod Touch / iPhone wallpaper | 3D wallpaper

    NEW Alex Riley wallpaper!

    Look who has turned face BIG TIME! Honestly, I didn’t see this one coming anytime soon at all. I thought Alex Riley would stick around with The Miz for a little bit longer even after he got berated but alas, here he is right now, on a major roll. His alliance with The Awesome One has truly benefited A-Ry. He’s lookin’ good and strong right now by totally annihilating his former employer for two weeks straight already. Who wouldn’t want to trash an asshole boss after you making you his/her bitch? This formula works especially when you build up the association of those two persons on a long term basis and then boom, the big payoff happens when you least expect it. This Alexy Riley-Miz feud is money. Hopefully this will propel A-Ry to the next level, not necessarily the main event level right away but definitely a notch higher than where he’s at right now.

    Alex Riley is coming into his own and I’m excited for him to get his character going. Where he goes from here, I dunno. The sky’s the limit though for this young WWE Superstar. Probably make him a more badass face like Orton, using his temper and mean streak to beat the top heels on the RAW brand. The next few weeks will determine whether A-Ry is up to the challenge of being a bigger star or not. I’m betting he’ll do just fine.

    Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers brings to you the newly-turned face Alex Riley! Go download the wrestling wallpaper today..coz I’m sayin’ that to your face!

    Disclaimer: Images of Alex Riley and The Miz belong to and are copyrighted to/by WWE. There is no copyright infringement intended.

    Alex Riley vs. The Miz wallpaper
    Alex Riley “Say it to my face!” wallpaper
    1920×1200 | 1680×1050 | 1600×900 | 1440×900 | 1280×1024 | 1280×800 | 1024×768 / iPad | 800×600 | PSP wallpaper | iPod Touch / iPhone wallpaper | 3D wallpaper

    NEW R-Truth Conspiracy wallpaper

    R-Truth is not the top heel on RAW, but he’s definitely the hottest and one of the most controversial characters in a while. While he hasn’t smoked these past few weeks since his heel turn, R-Truth has kept his personality interesting. He’s been talking about conspiracy within the whole WWE and most likely, it’s about racism/race stereotyping. Somehow, WWE loves angles like that. From Nation of Domination to Cryme Tyme and now this. Undoubtedly, it’s helping him get his character over and as long as the creative team doesn’t go overboard on this one, I can live with it. I prefer a cigarette-smoking R-Truth though.

    The RAW brand has all the top heels in the company. It’ll take a while before R-Truth tastes the main event scene. For now, as long as he lets his opponents know the ‘truth’, he’ll be within striking distance. Who knows? Maybe he can win the RAW briefcase on the next Money In The Bank PPV, cash it in and win his first WWE Championship.

    Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers brings to you this fresh wrestling wallpaper featuring a more menacing R-Truth. Now that’s what’s up!

    Disclaimer: Image of R-Truth belong to and is copyrighted to/by WWE. There is no copyright infringement intended.

    R-Truth wallpaper
    R-Truth “Conspiracy” wallpaper
    1920×1200 | 1680×1050 | 1600×900 | 1440×900 | 1280×1024 | 1280×800 | 1024×768 / iPad | 800×600 | PSP wallpaper | iPod Touch / iPhone wallpaper | 3D wallpaper

    Dashing No More: Cody Rhodes wallpaper!

    Sorry for the LOOOONNNNGGGG hiatus. I got bedridden 2 weeks ago and I totally got lazy with everything else happening in my life. What a sad dude I am. Anyway, let’s proceed with the new wallpaper.

    I’ve said before that Cody Rhodes’ star was born on WrestleMania 27. I know his newfound mean streak was built up nicely heading to the event but in my eyes, he was still unproven in the ring using his new character. And when he wrestled Rey Mysterio that night, I knew right there that this guy has found his road to stardom. The Dashing gimmick was good but it won’t give him a serious push. This Dr. Doom-ish character is quite brilliant and innovative. It gives him a mysterious aura and an unstable and most importantly, a dangerous personality, just like what Kane was when he still had his mask on. The injury somehow benefited him more. That’s pretty rare. Also, the paper bags he’s been handing out to audience lately gives another sick touch to his already wicked character. Brilliant thinking if you ask me.

    Dashing or not, Cody Rhodes has solidify his spot on the WWE ladder. Here’s hoping we’ll get more paper bags from him. With that said, Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers brings to you this latest wrestling wallpaper featuring the “new” and more sinister Cody Rhodes!

    Disclaimer: Images of Cody Rhodes belong to and are copyrighted to/by WWE. There is no copyright infringement intended.

    Cody Rhodes wallpaper
    Cody Rhodes “Dashing No More” wallpaper
    1920×1200 | 1680×1050 | 1600×900 | 1440×900 | 1280×1024 | 1280×800 | 1024×768 / iPad | 800×600 | PSP wallpaper | iPod Touch / iPhone wallpaper | 3D wallpaper

    Edge Tribute wallpaper

    As most of you already know, Edge has announced his retirement last night on RAW. I didn’t wanna believe it at first. Thought it was an angle or something. Then after watching that segment, I realize that this was no angle they’re making up. It was 100% legit. I felt he had to make an immediate announcement and he wasn’t prepared for it. He cares about his health a lot and I believe once he was notified by his doctor(s) about the situation, Edge decided it was time. It wasn’t on his terms just like what he said, but I admire his decision to finally hang the boots. No one wants to see him in a wheelchair after WrestleMania 28 (if that was his target retirement). Also, Alberto would’ve even interrupted him if this was a storyline.

    Bring me back to 1999 and I wouldn’t bet on this guy being an 11-time world champion. It’s amazing how Edge accomplished a lot in his short career (short compared to, let’s say, Ric Flair?). From being a member of The Brood, his antics with Christian, TLC matches with the Dudleys and Hardys, teaming up with Hogan, his sexcapades with Lita and Vickie (LOL), big-time feuds with the likes of Cena, Undertaker, Jericho and Shawn Michaels. I could go on and on. This was his childhood dream, and he exceeded all expectations, even his own. Edge, thank you so much for all the great memories you’ve given us. Hall of Fame career and person.

    Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers pays tribute to the Rated R Superstar, the one we all loved watching spearing his opponents, Edge! Again, thank you Edge.

    Disclaimer: Images of Edge belong to and are copyrighted to/by WWE. There is no copyright infringement intended.

    Edge wallpaper
    Tribute: Thank You Edge wallpaper
    1920×1200 | 1680×1050 | 1600×900 | 1440×900 | 1280×1024 | 1280×800 | 1024×768 / iPad | 800×600 | PSP wallpaper | iPod Touch / iPhone wallpaper | 3D wallpaper

    Road to WrestleMania 27: Triple Main Event wallpaper

    WrestleMania 27 is 1 week away! Are you guys ready for the biggest wrestling PPV of the year? Lock your seat belts because we’ll be in for a roller coaster ride with these main event matches! The World Heavyweight Championship match features the Rated R Superstar, Edge versus the brash Alberto Del Rio. For the WWE Championship match, it’s the man of awesome, The Miz against Mr. Hustle, Loyalty and Respect (and not talented enough accdg. to The Rock), John Cena. And the match that will probably end WrestleMania 27, it’s the Game, Triple H challenging the Last Outlaw, The Undertaker with his WrestleMania Streak on the line. Pretty solid main event matches if you ask me. If Christian somehow gets included in the WHC match, not only will this wallpaper fail, but it would ruin the Alberto’s mega push because this is his time to shine and he needs this to be a one-on-one match against Edge to solidify his position on the main event ranks. It wouldn’t hurt Christian though (and in the past few weeks, it seems like he was the Royal Rumble winner and not Del Rio) so it can really go either way for me.

    As for the WWE Championship match, hopefully we’ll be treated to some Rock interference or post-match brawl between these 3 WWE Superstars. Ever since Rock came back, you can’t deny that this feud got a much-needed boost. Both Miz and Cena are benefiting from this hot angle right now. Continue this until Summerslam and fans will surely dig this 3-way feud. Lastly, the chances of Triple H winning against Undertaker is ZERO. NO ONE IS GONNA BREAK THE STREAK. Triple H is gonna ‘die’ trying.

    With all that said, Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers brings to you the latest Wrestlemania 27 wallpaper featuring the triple main event matches that will make WrestleMania 27 a must-watch not only for WWE fans, but to ALL wrestling fans as well. Download the free wallpaper today!

    Disclaimer: Images/Logos of WWE Superstars and WrestleMania 27 belong to and are copyrighted to/by WWE. There is no copyright infringement intended.

    Stone Cold wallpaper
    Road to WrestleMania 27: Edge(c) vs. Alberto Del Rio, Undertaker vs. Triple H and The Miz(c) vs. John Cena wallpaper
    1920×1200 | 1680×1050 | 1600×900 | 1280×1024 | 1280×800 | 1024×768 / iPad | 800×600 | PSP wallpaper | 3D wallpaper


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    Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers is a non-commerce site. The content on this website is intended for entertainment purposes only. There is no copyright infringement implied or intended. Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers is not affiliated with and not endorsed or sponsored by WWE, AEW, TNA, ROH, UFC or any company for that matter. Images, videos and all other content represented on this website are copyrighted and are the sole property of their owners and this site is not claiming those said rights. All other brand and product names are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective holders. Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers has no intention of competing against those copyright