WWE has been building up Alberto Del Rio for the Royal Rumble these past few weeks and it was little surprise that he won the Rumble match. He now has the opportunity to challenge either the WWE Champion (Miz) or the World Heavyweight Champion (Edge). Obviously, he’ll end up challenging Edge but expect Alberto to play this out longer than he normally would. Heck, if WWE is going full-blast with their youth movement, they made the absolute right move here. Alberto is headed for big, great things in the future and the Rumble win definitely boosted his main-event push sooner than later. Congratulations again Alberto! Now if you can generate more heat just in time for WrestleMania 27 (or than what Vickie can get in day’s work), that main event match with Edge would be totally off the charts.
With that said, Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers is quickly bringing to you the 2011 WWE Royal Rumble winner, Albertoooooo Del RRRRRRiooooo! Download this Wrestlemania 27 wallpaper for free!
Disclaimer: WrestleMania 27 Logo and image of Alberto Del Rio belong to and are copyrighted to/by WWE. There is no copyright infringement intended.
Road to WrestleMania 27 : 2011 Royal Rumble winner Alberto Del Rio wallpaper
1920×1200 | 1680×1050 | 1600×900 | 1280×1024 | 1024×768 / iPad | 800×600 | PSP wallpaper | iPod Touch / iPhone wallpaper | 3D wallpaper
Posted in Alberto Del Rio, All Designs, I) Wrestling Wallpapers, WrestleMania 27
Tags: Alberto Del Rio, I) Wrestling Wallpapers, WrestleMania, WrestleMania 27, wrestling, WWE, WWE Wallpapers