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“One and Only” Ricochet wallpaper!

ricochet wwe wallpaper

Ricochet “One and Only” wallpaper

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16:10: 2560×1600 | 1920×1200 | 1680×1050 | 1440×900 | 1280×800
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Tablet: iPad wallpaper

If you were able to watch this week’s WWE RAW, you’d notice that there were a lot of matches where the winners were obviously penciled to go over either in quick or convincing fashion. There was a genuine effort to build RAW Superstars for the future..and one of those WWE Superstars was Ricochet. After a ho-hum stint so far for the “One and Only”, Paul Heyman is pressing the restar button and is now committed to making sure that Ricochet will become a main event asset for his show. Much like Triple H has given Ricochet a global platform in NXT, Paul will be doing the same for him from 2020 and beyond.

Ricochet is ultra-talented in the ring, he just needs proper booking for him to become a true main event star for WWE. With Heyman on deck, that might just be a matter of time.

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