NEW WrestleMania 32 Match Card wallpaper!

wrestlemania 32 wallpaper

WrestleMania 32 wallpaper
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The wait is almost over. WrestleMania 32 is just around the corner and most of us, myself included, are excited (yes, not everyone is haha). It’s a top-heavy card, with a passable midcard but contains possible show-stealers like the IC ladder match and Styles-Jericho. Still confused as to why the LON-New Day match isn’t for the Tag Titles. Rumors say The Rock will get involved in that match and to be frank, I don’t know the logic behind that. Nonetheless, it’s always electric to see The Great One. Stone Cold Steve Austin is scheduled to appear too. Will he get involved in one of the main events somehow?

It’s either sink or swim for WrestleMania 32. Why? Other than a mediocre mid and lower card, the WWEWHC match is looking to be a disaster, with lots of fans booing Roman Reigns BIG TIME. Again, he has to turn heel before his character gets ruined for good. The HIAC match will be the most intriguing. On the brighter side, fans aren’t expecting much from most of the matchups so it’ll be the perfect time to surprise the doubters. New champs, huge upsets, unexpected twists and stars elevated – that’s how WrestleMania 32 should be all about. Everyone on the roster has to pull all the stops to make this event memorable, in a good way.

Here’s the final WrestleMania 32 WWE wallpaper. Kupy’s going back to regular programming on April 🙂

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Disclaimer: Images belong to and are copyrighted to/by WWE. There is no copyright infringement intended.

NEW CM Punk “The Retribution” wallpaper!

cm punk wallpaper

CM Punk 2013 wallpaper
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This week has been one heck of a ride for WWE fans! I must say this has been one rare week with lots of character twists, swerves and heel/face turns. And most of us know by now, it’s probably safe to assume the CM Punk has turned face once again. Personally, I wouldn’t mind him being a face because he can work that persona as good as working as a heel. I just don’t want him to go the Cena ‘face’ route though since he already did that late 2011. Otherwise, we may see another Punk heel turn soon.

Regarding the Lesnar attack, I think it’s pretty obvious that Paul Heyman will deny his involvement at first. We all know how he plays a liar on TV. Punk ain’t stupid though. He’ll get the upper hand down the road and finally separate himself from Heyman’s clutches. It’s the retribution card they’re playing here. Who between the two will use it more effectively remains to be seen. For now though, Heyman drew first blood on Punk. However, a GTS on SummerSlam might be in store for the walrus (as Jerry Lawler likes to call him).

We’ve all been waiting for it. CM Punk has returned! Making a comeback here at Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers is this CM Punk wallpaper featuring the upcoming feud between Punk and Lesnar / Axel aka the Paul Heyman Guys.

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Disclaimer: Images of CM Punk, Brock Lesnar, Curtis Axel and Paul Heyman belong to and are copyrighted to/by WWE. There is no copyright infringement intended.

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