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    NEW CM Punk “The Retribution” wallpaper!

    cm punk wallpaper

    CM Punk 2013 wallpaper
    1920×1200 | 1920×1080 | 1680×1050 | 1600×900 | 1440×900 | 1280×1024 | 1280×800 | 1024×768 / iPad / Tablet | PS Vita wallpaper | PSP wallpaper | Mobile / iPod Touch / iPhone wallpaper | iPhone 5 wallpaper | 3D wallpaper | Facebook Timeline Cover

    This week has been one heck of a ride for WWE fans! I must say this has been one rare week with lots of character twists, swerves and heel/face turns. And most of us know by now, it’s probably safe to assume the CM Punk has turned face once again. Personally, I wouldn’t mind him being a face because he can work that persona as good as working as a heel. I just don’t want him to go the Cena ‘face’ route though since he already did that late 2011. Otherwise, we may see another Punk heel turn soon.

    Regarding the Lesnar attack, I think it’s pretty obvious that Paul Heyman will deny his involvement at first. We all know how he plays a liar on TV. Punk ain’t stupid though. He’ll get the upper hand down the road and finally separate himself from Heyman’s clutches. It’s the retribution card they’re playing here. Who between the two will use it more effectively remains to be seen. For now though, Heyman drew first blood on Punk. However, a GTS on SummerSlam might be in store for the walrus (as Jerry Lawler likes to call him).

    We’ve all been waiting for it. CM Punk has returned! Making a comeback here at Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers is this CM Punk wallpaper featuring the upcoming feud between Punk and Lesnar / Axel aka the Paul Heyman Guys.

    Like us on Facebook (we finally reached 700+ likes! haha!)

    Disclaimer: Images of CM Punk, Brock Lesnar, Curtis Axel and Paul Heyman belong to and are copyrighted to/by WWE. There is no copyright infringement intended.

    NEW Daniel Bryan Greatest Of All Time (GOAT) wallpaper!

    daniel bryan wallpaper

    Greatest Of All Time: Daniel Bryan wallpaper
    1920×1200 | 1920×1080 | 1680×1050 | 1600×900 | 1440×900 | 1280×1024 | 1280×800 | 1024×768 / iPad / Tablet | PS Vita wallpaper | PSP wallpaper | Mobile / iPod Touch / iPhone wallpaper | iPhone 5 wallpaper | 3D wallpaper | Facebook Timeline Cover

    Have you watched the recent RAWs and SmackDowns lately? If not, I suggest you find a recorded copy of them and watch all the matches Daniel Bryan’s been involved. He’s on a major roll right now, in-ring-wise and momentum-wise! He’s putting 5 star wrestling clinics in the past but recently, he took it to another level. It’s like he stepped on the accelerator and has no intention of hitting the brakes. D-Bry is rapidly ascending to the main event yet again. He’ll be the talk of the summer if he continues this fiery momentum he has right now. No more goat face references, no more NO!’s and no more hugging. It’s just plain Daniel Bryan kicking ass! With news and rumors about his WWE Title push this summer against John Cena coming out recently, WWE is finally making the most out of one of their precious gems in D-Bry. WWE Champion Daniel Bryan? Sounds good to me!

    Speaking of goat (not the face), can you see Bryan as the G.O.A.T. in wrestling when he finally hangs his boots, just like how Michael Jordan is to basketball? I can definitely imagine saying it after a decade or two. He has all the tools to get in that conversation. Can you see it happening too or not? Anyway, that’s the theme of this wallpaper. Daniel Bryan being the Greatest Of All Time. It may be a stretch to some, but to me, nothing is impossible with D-Bry.

    Say YES! to this Daniel Bryan WWE wallpaper and while you’re at it, like Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers on Facebook too!

    Disclaimer: Daniel Bryan’s image belong to and is copyrighted to/by WWE. There is no copyright infringement intended.

    NEW Kaitlyn WWE Divas Champion wallpaper!

    wwe diva wallpaper

    WWE Divas Champion Kaitlyn wallpaper
    1920×1200 | 1920×1080 | 1680×1050 | 1600×900 | 1440×900 | 1280×1024 | 1280×800 | 1024×768 / iPad / Tablet | PS Vita wallpaper | PSP wallpaper | Mobile / iPod Touch / iPhone wallpaper | iPhone 5 wallpaper | 3D wallpaper | Facebook Timeline Cover

    The WWE Divas division is, well, almost non-existent for the past few years. Yeah no one can rival Lita and Trish’s era, but at least WWE needs to do something drastic to make the women’s division relevant again. Kaitlyn, being the WWE Divas Champion, needs to lead that revolution, especially when the Divas don’t have the backing of the writers & higher ups (well it seems that way right?). I dunno how she’ll do it but she needs to make something special asap or the WWE Divas will continue to get zero importance. Her recent backstage brawl with AJ was good I gotta admit. Maybe the former Chickbusters can do something about the division perhaps? Time will tell.

    One of the few things I really like about Kaitlyn is how she looks and acts sweet but can unleash legit pain on her opponents. Problem with that is how she looks dominating but can’t even beat the Bellas or AJ to a pulp. Her face persona shouldn’t be an excuse for that booking. The WWE Divas Champion SHOULD look and act like a champion. At the very least, someone in the creative should fix this issue.

    Download the latest Divas wallpaper! Also, like Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers on Facebook.

    Disclaimer: Images of Kaitlyn belong to and are copyrighted to/by WWE. There is no copyright infringement intended.

    NEW AJ Styles Aces & Eights wallpaper!

    aj styles aces and eights wallpaper

    Aces and Eights AJ Styles wallpaper
    1920×1200 | 1920×1080 | 1680×1050 | 1600×900 | 1440×900 | 1280×1024 | 1280×800 | 1024×768 / iPad / Tablet | PS Vita wallpaper | PSP wallpaper | Mobile / iPod Touch / iPhone wallpaper | iPhone 5 wallpaper | 3D wallpaper | Facebook Timeline Cover

    I’m really liking the AJ Styles angle right now. It gives a fresh mystique to AJ, not to mention the badassery to his look. His dark character is the perfect recipe for the ongoing TNA vs. Aces & Eights war. After that horrible Claire Lynch angle and slumping his way to 2012, AJ looked literally tired of all the crap he went through. Somehow, it looked like the house he built wasn’t giving anything good back to him. Here comes Aces and Eights. Even during AJ’s sabbatical, there were hints that they were trying to get him join the group. Now that he’s back in the thick of things, it looks like he’s weighing his options..but to me, I think he already made his mind long ago. I won’t be surprised if he joins Aces & Eights, given that he would fit real well with Bully’s gang. He’ll eventually become the ultimate face again down the road and then that will be the time that he takes down the Aces. No need to rush that angle for now. Besides, Bully Ray needs to have a lengthy title reign first. If AJ indeed joins Aces and Eights this Thursday, would he still be The Phenomenal One in everyone’s eyes? Or just another radical who made his way to TNA’s biggest enemy yet?

    As promised a few weeks ago, there will be more TNA wallpapers this year (and hopefully beyond). This AJ Styles wallpaper is a small start for that initiative. Now if only TNA would only publish some of their updated high resolution images..

    Almost 600 likes for Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers’ Facebook page..let’s get to the thousands range!

    Disclaimer: AJ Styles’ images belong to and is copyrighted to/by Wright Way Photography / Steve Wright. There is no copyright infringement intended.

    NEW The Shield Champions wallpaper!

    the shield wallpaper

    Believe in The Shield wallpaper
    1920×1200 | 1920×1080 | 1680×1050 | 1600×900 | 1440×900 | 1280×1024 | 1280×800 | 1024×768 / iPad / Tablet | PS Vita wallpaper | PSP wallpaper | Mobile / iPod Touch / iPhone wallpaper | iPhone 5 wallpaper | 3D wallpaper | Facebook Timeline Cover

    Despite taking a loss from John Cena on last week’s RAW, The Shield walked into Extreme Rules and totally dominated the competition with Dean Ambrose winning the US Championship from Kofi Kingston and the team of Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins ending the Tag Team Championship reign of Team Hell No. They now hold 3 of the prestigious WWE championship titles. Who knows, they might still even gun for more. This pack of wolves are always hungry and will bring chaos to anyone they deem an injustice. Expect these young guns to keep these titles for a while.

    Believe in these champions. Believe in The Shield!

    500+ likes only for Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers’ Facebook page so far?! That’s unacceptable! Be generous by giving a couple of seconds to like the Facebook page 🙂

    Disclaimer: Images & logos of The Shield & WWE title belts belong to and are copyrighted to/by WWE. There is no copyright infringement intended.

    NEW Fandango wallpaper!

    fandango wallpaper

    Fandango logo wallpaper
    1920×1200 | 1920×1080 | 1680×1050 | 1600×900 | 1440×900 | 1280×1024 | 1280×800 | 1024×768 / iPad / Tablet | PS Vita wallpaper | PSP wallpaper | Mobile / iPod Touch / iPhone wallpaper | iPhone 5 wallpaper | 3D wallpaper | Facebook Timeline Cover

    Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers‘ 2nd wrestling wallpaper of the V5 era is none other than WWE’s hottest sensation right now, Fandango! Ever since Johnny Curtis’ revamp, the Fandango mania has slowly gained steam, especially when you have a very addicting entrance theme (ChaChaLaLa) that you can either hum or whistle and you see the live crowd ‘Fandangoing’ every time the guy comes out – all thanks to the post-WrestleMania 29 fans who attended RAW that night. Make no mistake about it though, Fandango, despite the early showing, can clearly hang with the best of them. When you have a guy who performs his character well, has natural and oozing charisma, and can wrestle well, you just struck gold. He’s becoming a must-see WWE Superstar on either RAW or SmackDown!

    I personally can’t wait for Fandango and Jericho’s dance showdown on this week’s WWE Raw. It’s going to be a riot for sure!

    And by the way, we need more likes for Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers’ Facebook page! Where are the other 2000+ contacts I have on Facebook? Show some love guys! Lol.

    Disclaimer: Image & logo of Fandango belong to and are copyrighted to/by WWE. There is no copyright infringement intended.

    NEW Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers V5 wallpaper!

    undertaker wallpaper

    Bigger & badder than ever – Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers
    1920×1200 | 1920×1080 | 1680×1050 | 1600×900 | 1440×900 | 1280×1024 | 1280×800 | 1024×768 / iPad / Tablet | PS Vita wallpaper | PSP wallpaper | Mobile / iPod Touch / iPhone wallpaper | iPhone 5 wallpaper | 3D wallpaper | Facebook Timeline Cover

    Hey everyone! Look what we have here 🙂 It’s the brand-spankin’ new version 5 of Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers! A lot has changed throughout the years and this version’s no different. Site is now using a responsive layout meaning it’s mobile, tablet, desktop and HD compatible! KWW also now has Mr. Kupy’s Fave Five section featuring my personal favorites haha 🙂 I’m still planning to add some more interactive stuff in here but for now, this is already a BIG accomplishment for me – being able to totally redesign the aging site layout given the lack of personal time for these kind of things 😛 Hope you guys love the redesign!

    Also, I finally decided to make a Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers Facebook page (LIKE IT NOW!), super late but better late than never. From now on, I’ll be announcing wallpaper updates on that page. My own Facebook page will now be for personal stuff.

    Oh, and as ‘tribute’ to this milestone, I’m featuring the first-ever Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers uhm..wallpaper! I dunno if the idea seem ridiculous or brilliant. Nonetheless, I made one as sort of a promise to everyone (that I’ll most likely break at one point) that there will be more different wallpapers to be anticipated here. Meaning..more TNA wallpapers, Diva wallpapers and yes, more John Cena wallpapers. Tall orders but rest assured, they will always be kept in mind.

    And now..Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers is back, BIGGER & BADDER THAN EVER! To all the fans of this site, thank you so much for the continued support! Let the good times roll!

    Disclaimer: WWE & TNA images belong to and are copyrighted to/by WWE & TNA respectively. There is no copyright infringement intended.

    NEW The Undertaker 21 – 0 wallpaper!

    Today’s WWE wallpaper design is inspired by The Phenom’s WrestleMania 29 entrance, bundled with his impressive 21-0 WrestleMania winning streak! The Undertaker has made another successful comeback and is now scheduled to do a couple of appearances aside from the usual WrestleMania season. With CM Punk out, Undertaker’s presence is very much needed right now. So far, he’s doing just that. We’ll see how he fares against The Shield, with Team Hell No on his side. Pretty excited to see the guy wrestling on RAW again! Hope he maintains an acceptable amount of good health for this run.

    Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers gives to you the newest Undertaker wallpaper, a tribute to his 21-0 WrestleMania winning streak. Go get it now!

    Disclaimer: Image of The Undertaker belong to and is copyrighted to/by WWE. There is no copyright infringement intended.

    undertaker wallpaper
    21-0 WrestleMania Streak Undertaker wallpaper
    1920×1200 | 1920×1080 | 1680×1050 | 1600×900 | 1440×900 | 1280×1024 | 1280×800 | 1024×768 / iPad / Tablet | PS Vita wallpaper | PSP wallpaper | Mobile / iPod Touch / iPhone wallpaper | iPhone 5 wallpaper | 3D wallpaper | Facebook Timeline Cover

    NEW WrestleMania 29 wallpaper: Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar wallpaper!

    The rematch of these two WWE titans is going to be a slobberknocker of a fight. The no holds barred stipulation added more hot fuel to the feud. With Triple H looking to extract revenge against The Pain, Brock Lesnar, we’re now more guaranteed of a classic brawl/hardcore match instead of just having a straight wrestling bout. The first encounter was quite forgettable to be honest so whatever the outcome of this fight, at the end of the night, we’ll be looking at a possible show-stealer. As for the winner, well, it’s almost a guarantee that HHH will finally score a win against Lesnar after having his arm broken twice and his father-in-law destroyed by the former UFC fighter. Before winning though, look for Triple H to get his ass kicked big time first (you can say the same for Brock Lesnar too). Will Heyman or Shawn Michaels play a significant role on the outcome of this match? Most likely, yes. And don’t forget not to count out HHH’s best friend. Here’s a clue: it’s not HBK 😉

    Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers brings to you another WrestleMania 29 wallpaper featuring The Game, Triple H versus The Pain, Brock Lesnar! Just a few days left before we reach the pinnacle of sports entertainment!

    Disclaimer: Images of Triple H, Brock Lesnar, Shawn Michaels, Paul Heyman & WrestleMania 29 belong to and is copyrighted to/by WWE. There is no copyright infringement intended.

    wrestlemania 29 wallpaper
    Brock Lesnar (w/ Paul Heyman) vs. Triple H (w/ Shawn Michaels) WrestleMania 29 wallpaper
    1920×1200 | 1920×1080 | 1680×1050 | 1600×900 | 1440×900 | 1280×1024 | 1280×800 | 1024×768 / iPad / Tablet | PS Vita wallpaper | PSP wallpaper | Mobile / iPod Touch / iPhone wallpaper | iPhone 5 wallpaper | 3D wallpaper | Facebook Timeline Cover


    Terms of Use / Legal Disclaimer

    Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers is a non-commerce site. The content on this website is intended for entertainment purposes only. There is no copyright infringement implied or intended. Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers is not affiliated with and not endorsed or sponsored by WWE, AEW, TNA, ROH, UFC or any company for that matter. Images, videos and all other content represented on this website are copyrighted and are the sole property of their owners and this site is not claiming those said rights. All other brand and product names are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective holders. Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers has no intention of competing against those copyright