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    NEW “Bleeding Blue” James Ellsworth wallpaper!

    ellsworth wallpaper

    James Ellsworth SmackDown Live wallpaper
    4K wallpaper | 2560×1600 | 2560 x1440 | 1920×1200 | 1920×1080 | 1680×1050 | 1600×900 | 1440×900 | 1366×768 | 1280×1024 | 1280×800 | 1024×768 / iPad / Tablet | iPhone 6S Plus / 6S / 5S / Android mobile wallpaper | PS Vita wallpaper | Facebook Timeline Cover

    It has been one hell of a ride (and still going strong) for James Ellsworth. The immense opportunity given to him was certainly one of the best things that could happen to any wrestler aspiring to make a name for himself/herself in WWE. Now that he’s now officially part of the SmackDown Live roster, one could only wonder how will Mr. Ellsworth make the most out of this chance to establish himself as a legitimate WWE Superstar. Yes, he has a future championship match against AJ Styles, which IMHO he won’t be winning (sorry AJ fan here). After that, what’s next? If creative can make his character interesting down the line, it’ll be a win-win for both parties. Hey, you don’t wanna waste those 3 wins against the Phenomenal One plus the guy already has a following.

    He bleeds blue that’s why he’s all SmackDown! Get the newest James Ellsworth wallpaper on the web today!

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    Disclaimer: Images belong to and are copyrighted to/by WWE. There is no copyright infringement intended.

    NEW 2016 Survivor Series: Brock Lesnar vs. Goldberg wallpaper!

    goldberg vs. lesnar wallpaper

    Fantasy Warfare: Brock Lesnar vs. Bill Goldberg Survivor Series 2016 wallpaper
    1920×1200 | 1920×1080 | 1680×1050 | 1600×900 | 1440×900 | 1366×768 | 1280×1024 | 1280×800 | 1024×768 / iPad / Tablet | iPhone 6S Plus / 6S / 5S / Android mobile wallpaper | PS Vita wallpaper | Facebook Timeline Cover

    As WWE always like to promote, fantasy warfare just got real with Bill Goldberg making a one-match return to face The Beast Incarnate, Brock Lesnar at Survivor Series later tonight. The buildup might not be as interesting as it was before, but there’s history between these two mammoths and that itself tells the story already, though the new generation of WWE Universe might not be able to invest in it. Goldberg currently owns a victory over Lesnar so I wouldn’t be surprised if Brock ties it up later. Even though this is going to be his retirement match, Goldberg will feel the wrath of visiting Suplex City and most likely won’t be going over Lesnar though I honestly hope he wins tonight for that feel good moment.

    Better late than never! Get this Lesnar vs. Goldberg wallpaper today!

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    Disclaimer: Images belong to and are copyrighted to/by WWE. There is no copyright infringement intended.

    NEW 2016 Survivor Series: Team RAW vs. Team SmackDown Live wallpaper!

    smackdown vs. raw wallpaper

    RAW vs. SmackDown Live Survivor Series 2016 wallpaper
    1920×1200 | 1920×1080 | 1680×1050 | 1600×900 | 1440×900 | 1366×768 | 1280×1024 | 1280×800 | 1024×768 / iPad / Tablet | Team RAW iPhone 6S Plus / 6S / 5S / Android mobile wallpaper | Team SmackDown Live iPhone 6S Plus / 6S / 5S / Android mobile wallpaper | PS Vita wallpaper | Facebook Timeline Cover

    RAW vs. SmackDown. It’s a renewed rivalry between WWE’s premier shows after being on hiatus for a couple of years now. Bragging rights for the winning team/show will be on the line (unofficially) and these 2 teams will do everything in their power to get that privilege to call themselves the best.

    Team RAW consists of the BFFs Kevin Owens and Chris Jericho, the US Champ Roman Reigns, Braun Strowman and Seth Rollins while Team SmackDown Live has AJ Styles, the new Wyatts Bray and Randy Orton, Dean Ambrose and Shane McMahon. I dunno, Baron Corbin should have been there instead of Shane but I guess there’s some major storyline that which involves him that gets kickstarted on Survivor Series. Rumors say it has something to do with Brock Lesnar. We’ll see.

    I’m honestly excited to see this match. As for the winning team, since SmackDown has been the better show for weeks now, I’m betting on the blue brand though a win is what RAW really needs right now.

    Download the wallpaper today in your preferred resolution (links at the top of this post).

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    Disclaimer: Images belong to and are copyrighted to/by WWE. There is no copyright infringement intended.

    NEW List of Jericho wallpaper!

    y2j wallpaper

    Chris Jericho’s List of Jericho wallpaper
    1920×1200 | 1920×1080 | 1680×1050 | 1600×900 | 1440×900 | 1366×768 | 1280×1024 | 1280×800 | 1024×768 / iPad / Tablet | iPhone 6S Plus / 6S / 5S / Android mobile wallpaper | PS Vita wallpaper | Facebook Timeline Cover

    Mick Foley was right in ‘drafting’ Chris Jericho to RAW. The guy has been the MVP of the show these past months-the very same veteran who is suppose to help talent get over and go out on a band tour afterwards. He’s still in a transitional role but his star shines the brightest among all RAW superstars right now and I couldn’t believe it. Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns can learn a thing or two from him as they are currently struggling getting solid and consistent reactions from the WWE Universe.

    Before he goes on a break again, Y2J should at least get one more title run as a reward for keeping his character, his segments and his “bestfriend” role with Kevin Owens superbly interesting. Someone will turn on the other sooner or later. Heel or face, Jericho can pull it off either way. It’s just a matter of time before Kevin Owens’ name gets written in the List of Jericho.

    Go download your preferred wallpaper resolution now..or your name might end up too on the List of Jericho!

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    Disclaimer: Images belong to and are copyrighted to/by WWE. There is no copyright infringement intended.

    NEW 2016 Goldberg wallpaper!

    goldberg wwe wallpaper

    Bill Goldberg 2016 wallpaper
    4K wallpaper | 2560×1600 | 2560 x1440 | 1920×1200 | 1920×1080 | 1680×1050 | 1600×900 | 1440×900 | 1366×768 | 1280×1024 | 1280×800 | 1024×768 / iPad / Tablet | iPhone 6S Plus / 6S / 5S / Android mobile wallpaper | PS Vita wallpaper | Facebook Timeline Cover

    Goldberg vs. Lesnar II is happening.

    The former WCW & WWE World Heavyweight Champion made his much-anticipated return last night on RAW and formally accepted Brock Lesnar’s challenge. He said that The Beast will be his NEXT and LAST opponent, hinting that this one will probably his retirement match. I’m good with that since he has nothing left to prove though it’ll be fun to see if WWE pulls a swerve and have someone interfere and deny Goldberg one last win. For now though, it looks like this will be a one-off and a way to formally say goodbye to wrestling fans, both new and old. After that bone-chilling and intense entrance last night, I’m pretty sure it made the old-time fans reminisce the good ol’ days of him dominating everyone in his path and it surely made an impact on those youngsters who haven’t seen him yet in the ring.

    Goldberg-Lesnar 2 is probably going to be Survivor Series’ main event so there’s still a good amount of time to build the feud up. The history is there so it’s almost impossible for WWE to screw this up. I truly hope they do this right. As for the winner, even though Goldberg’s gonna retire after this, I don’t see him winning just because he already won before. If I’m Brock Lesnar though, I won’t have a problem having a 0-2 record against The Myth. One last Goldberg chant in winning fashion might be a better sendoff for the man who once dominated Monday nights.

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    Disclaimer: Images belong to and are copyrighted to/by WWE. There is no copyright infringement intended.

    NEW Dolph Ziggler – The Miz wallpaper!

    ziggler intercontinental champion wallpaper

    Dolph Ziggler vs. Miz (w/ Maryse) wallpaper
    4K wallpaper | 2560×1600 | 2560 x1440 | 1920×1200 | 1920×1080 | 1680×1050 | 1600×900 | 1440×900 | 1366×768 | 1280×1024 | 1280×800 | 1024×768 / iPad / Tablet | iPhone 6S Plus / 6S / 5S / Android mobile wallpaper | PS Vita wallpaper | Facebook Timeline Cover

    I’ve never hated Miz as much as I did weeks heading into WWE No Mercy. He’s that damn good of a heel. This feud just intensified his heel heat to greater levels and he totally killed it on the mic.

    Dolph Ziggler. Wow. We all know he was once considered a show-stealer. At No Mercy, together with Miz, he did just that. As the A-Lister has said many times before, Dolph didn’t do anything meaningful for the past couple of years (except for that monumental Survivor Series win against The Authority) and just lose most of his matches. After putting his career on the line, Dolph made a 2016 Cavaliers game 7 comeback and finally ended Miz’ Intercontinental Championship run by defying all odds.

    SmackDown may have produced the feel-good story in Heath Slater/Rhyno Tag Team Championship/I-need-the-job quest, but Ziggler-Miz is definitely their storyline/feud of the year, maybe WWE-overall too. This is how you make a great storyline RAW writers. It was so good the Intercontinental Championship title played like second fiddle or just a bonus reward. Everyone that followed the feud really got invested into it.

    Dolph & Miz, thank you for making this program awesome.

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    Disclaimer: Images belong to and are copyrighted to/by WWE. There is no copyright infringement intended.

    NEW Brother Nero and Broken Matt wallpaper!

    broken matt hardy wallpaper

    DELETE DELETE DELETE Broken Hardys wallpaper
    1920×1200 | 1920×1080 | 1680×1050 | 1600×900 | 1440×900 | 1366×768 | 1280×1024 | 1280×800 | 1024×768 / iPad / Tablet | iPhone 6S Plus / 6S / 5S / Android mobile wallpaper | PS Vita wallpaper | Facebook Timeline Cover

    Despite TNA’s financial situation, there’s something, mostly positive, going for them – Broken Matt Hardy. His ‘Broken’ character is really creative and even had gotten the attention of non-TNA Wrestling fans. I must admit I thought it was a disaster of a persona at first..but now it’s even putting Jeff Hardy, or Brother Nero in this instance, on the backseat. Who would’ve thought that’s even possible, right?

    There are questions and rumors about Bound for Glory regarding its status. If the show is ready to go in a few hours, the Broken Hardys will be facing Decay for the TNA Tag Team Championships, the bout Broken Matt dubbed as “The Great War”. Win or lose, the brothers have changed the wrestling landscape industry once again. If TNA gets bought by Billy Corgan or WWE, it’ll be interesting to see the fate of these two come monday.

    With Brother Nero and his ‘family’ on his side, Broken Matt can conquer the wrestling world in a way that no one has ever done before, literally.

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    Disclaimer: Images belong to and are copyrighted to/by TNA. There is no copyright infringement intended.

    NEW Becky Lynch SmackDown Women’s Champion wallpaper

    becky lynch smackdown wallpaper

    WWE SmackDown Women’s Champion Becky Lynch wallpaper
    2560×1600 | 2560×1440 | 1920×1200 | 1920×1080 | 1680×1050 | 1600×900 | 1440×900 | 1366×768 | 1280×1024 | 1280×800 | 1024×768 / iPad / Tablet | iPhone 6S Plus / 6S / 5S / Android mobile wallpaper | PS Vita wallpaper | Facebook Timeline Cover

    With SmackDown creating their own Women’s Championship, there were only 2 realistic choices: Nikki Bella and Becky Lynch. I’m glad WWE pulled the trigger and went for the more popular choice. After everything Becky has been put through this past year, it was only natural that she finally get what she deserved. With a pretty thin line of challengers for her title, I wouldn’t be surprised if Becky holds on to that title until the end of the year at least. Hope she gets established first as a formidable Women’s Champion. It’s really refreshing to see her be treated with respect.

    I’m a Becky Lynch admirer and I like her steampunk look that’s why this WWE wallpaper shows that energetic side of her. Ladies and gents, your WWE SmackDown Women’s Champion, Becky Lynch! Get it now while it’s hot!

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    Disclaimer: Images belong to and are copyrighted to/by WWE. There is no copyright infringement intended.

    NEW AJ Styles WWE World Champion wallpaper!

    aj styles champion wallpaper

    WWE World Heavyweight Champion AJ Styles wallpaper
    1920×1200 | 1920×1080 | 1680×1050 | 1600×900 | 1440×900 | 1366×768 | 1280×1024 | 1280×800 | 1024×768 / iPad / Tablet | iPhone 6S Plus / 6S / 5S / Android mobile wallpaper | PS Vita wallpaper | Facebook Timeline Cover

    AJ Styles. WWE World Champion. Who would’ve thought he’d accomplish this feat just a few months into his WWE tenure. The brand split may have fast-tracked his destiny but there’s no denying that he deserves to be the main man on SmackDown right now. Having won multiple titles in his illustrious career, the TNA World Heavyweight Championship and IWGP World Heavyweight Championship just to name a few, and finally winning the most coveted prize in the wrestling industry – the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, the Phenomenal One has earned the right to be called an All World Champion.

    The face that runs the place isn’t just a catchphrase anymore. AJ Styles is SmackDown, literally. Congratulations, AJ! You deserve it.

    Get this AJ Styles All-World Champion WWE wallpaper now.

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    Disclaimer: Images belong to and are copyrighted to/by WWE. There is no copyright infringement intended.


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    Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers is a non-commerce site. The content on this website is intended for entertainment purposes only. There is no copyright infringement implied or intended. Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers is not affiliated with and not endorsed or sponsored by WWE, AEW, TNA, ROH, UFC or any company for that matter. Images, videos and all other content represented on this website are copyrighted and are the sole property of their owners and this site is not claiming those said rights. All other brand and product names are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective holders. Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers has no intention of competing against those copyright