NEW WrestleMania 29 wallpaper: Alberto Del Rio vs. Jack Swagger

Alberto Del Rio’s babyface persona hasn’t gone very well these past few months. Yes the fans are cheering for him now but they can barely sustain it throughout his matches. This is where Jack Swagger comes in. He comes with a revamped gimmick and renewed aggressiveness. Zeb Colter adds the little things that make Swagger one of the most hated heels in the modern era. The issues he and Zeb touch on are complicated and quite sensitive especially for foreign immigrants. Supposedly, this should make for a perfect recipe between Del Rio’s Mexican hero gimmick versus Swagger’s America..but it wasn’t able to sustain its initial publicity and thus a lot have already lost interest in what supposed to be one of the most intriguing storylines in a while now. With that said, both Alberto and Jack have been hit with huge hurdles along the way. I believe they can still pick up some steam towards WrestleMania 29 and make this feud worth watching every week. We’re almost guaranteed of a good wrestling match at WrestleMania – it’s the build that needs some fixing.

Through all of this though, Zeb Colter has been gold on the mic. The mocking videos were quite entertaining too.

I, the Kupy (!), er I mean Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers is featuring this newest WWE wallpaper featuring the World Heavyweight Championship match at WrestleMania 29 with Alberto Del Rio (with Ricardo Rodriguez) defending his title against Jack Swagger (with Zeb Colter). Make this yours today!

Disclaimer: Images of Alberto Del Rio, Ricardo Rodriguez, Jack Swagger, Zeb Colter & WrestleMania 29 belong to and is copyrighted to/by WWE. There is no copyright infringement intended.

wrestlemania 29 wallpaper
World Heavyweight Championship: Alberto Del Rio (c) vs. Jack Swagger WrestleMania 29 wallpaper
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