ali retribution

Ali w/ Retribution wallpaper

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Retina: Retina wallpaper
16:9 / HD: 2560×1440 | 1920×1080 | 1600×900 | 1366×768
16:10: 2560×1600 | 1920×1200 | 1680×1050 | 1440×900 | 1280×800
Mobile: Android / iPhone mobile wallpaper
Mobile Max / Plus: Android / iPhone mobile plus / max wallpaper
Tablet: iPad wallpaper | iPad Air wallpaper | iPad Pro wallpaper

Ali being revealed as the leader of RETRIBUTION is either a genius, long-term storytelling, or a last-ditch effort to pump life into the group’s storyline. That said, it’s critical that WWE better not mess up anymore. Dominik Dijakovic (T-Bar), Dio Maddin (Mace), Shane Thorne (Slapjack), Mia Yim (Reckoning) and Mercedes Martinez (Retaliation) are talented enough even without the weird names-and they’re really trying their best to make this believable.

With Ali now at the helm, RETRIBUTION gets another chance at being taken seriously. Let’s see if Ali will make good in his “Some dreams die so others can live” quote and create some positive buzz for RETRIBUTION.

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