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    NEW Roman Reigns wallpaper!

    the shield wallpaper

    Roman Reigns WWE wallpaper
    1920×1200 | 1920×1080 | 1680×1050 | 1600×900 | 1440×900 | 1280×1024 | 1280×800 | 1024×768 / iPad / Tablet | PS Vita wallpaper | PSP wallpaper | Mobile / iPod Touch / iPhone wallpaper | iPhone 5 wallpaper | iPhone 5s wallpaper | Facebook Timeline Cover

    Even before his memorable and dominating performance on this year’s Survivor Series, Roman Reigns has been slowly catching fire with his silent but beastly character. For old timers, we can notice his development has similarities to Batista’s before (speaking of The Animal, heard the news already?). I’m still not comfortable with him speaking on the mic, but that skill will improve over time. It’s just a matter of when the WWE Universe will get behind the guy.  If done right, we might have another big star in the making. The eventual breakup of The Shield will also help him with that push. Looks like Reigns will be the first Shield member going straight to the top. Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins will go there too someday.

    Sorry again everyone for the lack of updates. I’ve been SO BUSY with work lately. Even went to a short US trip for that. Anyway, I’m back! Will try to squeeze in a few more before 2013 ends 😉

    Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers brings to you this first solo Roman Reigns wallpaper! Download the wallpaper today!

    Also, I would like to take this opportunity to ask for help for my fellow countrymen who are suffering right now due to Super Typhoon Haiyan / Yolanda. Your help will go a long way in giving emergency aid to these people. Please make a donation today to any of the following: Red Cross Philippines | Red Cross US | Red Cross UK. Thank you so much!

    Join Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers on Facebook @ www.facebook.com/KupyWrestlingWallpapers!

    Disclaimer: Images of Roman Reigns belong to and are copyrighted to/by WWE. There is no copyright infringement intended.

    NEW CM Punk “Best Since Day One” wallpaper!

    cm punk wallpaper

    “Best Since Day One” CM Punk wallpaper
    1920×1200 | 1920×1080 | 1680×1050 | 1600×900 | 1440×900 | 1280×1024 | 1280×800 | 1024×768 / iPad / Tablet | PS Vita wallpaper | PSP wallpaper | Mobile / iPod Touch / iPhone wallpaper | iPhone 5 wallpaper | iPhone 5s wallpaper | Facebook Timeline Cover

    After annihilating Paul Heyman and his boys Curtis Axel and Ryback, the deck has been stacked more against CM Punk. Pre-Survivor Series, the guy, with Daniel Bryan, feuded with the Wyatt Family. Now it seems he’s going to be redirecting his attention on another stable, The Shield..or perhaps, The Authority as a whole. Everyone saw this coming before..it was just a matter of when it will happen. With odds not in his favor yet again, will CM Punk be able to overcome this latest hurdle or will it totally destroy him forever? Best since day one..let CM Punk perform at this level and I believe he’ll be proving himself worthy of that line again. The Authority vs. CM Punk should rake money for the sports entertainment titan.

    Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers brings to you this latest CM Punk wallpaper, a hybrid version of his Best Since Day One WWE shirt!

    Also, I would like to take this opportunity to ask for help for my fellow countrymen who are suffering right now due to Super Typhoon Haiyan / Yolanda. Your help will go a long way in giving emergency aid to these people. Please make a donation today to any of the following: Red Cross Philippines | Red Cross US | Red Cross UK. Thank you so much!

    Join Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers on Facebook @ www.facebook.com/KupyWrestlingWallpapers!

    Disclaimer: Images & logos of CM Punk belong to and are copyrighted to/by WWE. There is no copyright infringement intended.

    NEW Cesaro Swing wallpaper!

    antonio cesaro swing wallpaper

    “Cesaro Swing” Antonio Cesaro wallpaper
    1920×1200 | 1920×1080 | 1680×1050 | 1600×900 | 1440×900 | 1280×1024 | 1280×800 | 1024×768 / iPad / Tablet | PS Vita wallpaper | PSP wallpaper | Mobile / iPod Touch / iPhone wallpaper | iPhone 5 wallpaper | Facebook Timeline Cover

    The guy who almost got buried in the WWE storylines is now slowly and steadily making a name for himself. We all know what Antonio Cesaro is capable of doing. Athleticism, brute strength, technical wrestling skills and good mic skills..he had them all. Heck, he was even paired with Zeb Colter and Jack Swagger to form the Real Americans and yet they were jobbing on a nightly basis. He was going nowhere until he hit that move that’s so unique and made it popular – the Cesaro swing. Now, Antonio has everyone’s attention now, from the WWE Universe to the WWE creative. Even John Cena praised him in a recent live event and called him a future World Champion. I wouldn’t be surprised if it happens as early as next year.

    Get the Cesaro Swing experience by downloading today’s latest wallpaper! Only here at Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers!

    Also, I would like to take this opportunity to ask for help for my fellow countrymen who are suffering right now due to Super Typhoon Haiyan / Yolanda. Your help will go a long way in giving emergency aid to these people. Please make a donation today to any of the following: Red Cross Philippines | Red Cross US | Red Cross UK. Thank you so much!

    Join Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers on Facebook @ www.facebook.com/KupyWrestlingWallpapers!

    Disclaimer: Images of Antonio Cesaro and WWE Superstars belong to and are copyrighted to/by WWE. There is no copyright infringement intended.

    NEW Wyatt Family “Follow the Buzzards” wallpaper!

    bray wyatt wallpaper

    Follow the Buzzards Wyatt Family wallpaper
    1920×1200 | 1920×1080 | 1680×1050 | 1600×900 | 1440×900 | 1280×1024 | 1280×800 | 1024×768 / iPad / Tablet | PS Vita wallpaper | PSP wallpaper | Mobile / iPod Touch / iPhone wallpaper | iPhone 5 wallpaper | Facebook Timeline Cover

    First of all, Happy Halloween everyone! How did the event go for you? Pretty much almost everyone had fun, no? Perfect combination of scary and fun for me 🙂

    Speaking of scary, the Wyatt Family is stepping up their game by being involved now in a major storyline. This week we saw the trio of Luke Harper, Erick Rowan and Bray Wyatt lay waste to Daniel Bryan and CM Punk. In typical Wyatt fashion, we were left guessing as to why Bray and co. attacked the two former WWE Champions. The ‘Devil’ made me do it said Bray. Who is this devil he’s speaking of? Triple H? Stephanie McMahon? Paul Heyman? Or even Vince himself? This is a stretch but how about The Undertaker? A second Ministry of Darkness in the making? I know I’m not making sense here but wouldn’t that be awesome?! No matter where this is going, it’s surely going to be a fun ride for everyone involved in that mysterious angle.

    Download this modified wallpaper version of Wyatt Family’s WWE shirt design today! Expect more shirt design wallpapers on the next coming weeks!

    BTW, this was a quick one, a pit stop before the next wallpaper I’m working on 🙂

    Join Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers on Facebook @ www.facebook.com/KupyWrestlingWallpapers!

    Disclaimer: Shirt design of Wyatt Family belong to and are copyrighted to/by WWE. There is no copyright infringement intended.

    NEW WWE “Best for Business” wallpaper!

    daniel bryan wallpaper

    Best for Business WWE wallpaper
    1920×1200 | 1920×1080 | 1680×1050 | 1600×900 | 1440×900 | 1280×1024 | 1280×800 | 1024×768 / iPad / Tablet | PS Vita wallpaper | PSP wallpaper | Mobile / iPod Touch / iPhone wallpaper | iPhone 5 wallpaper | Facebook Timeline Cover

    ‘Sup everyone? Been a long time eh? As always, a lot of things in my life needed attention, especially the past 3 weeks. There was a Singapore trip last September and a bday/anniversary celebration with my GF last week so I’m really sorry it took me this long to get a new wallpaper up 🙂

    I’m totally loving each and every RAW episode since the aftermath of SummerSlam. It’s always a treat to see angles like this when a lot of stars are being pushed and made relevant with just a single huge storyline that makes everyone look better. The Authority, as WWE loves to say, storyline has benefited not only the WWE Championship picture (Daniel Bryan-Randy Orton) but also Big Show, the NEW WWE Tag Team Champions Cody Rhodes and Goldust and to a lesser extent, Dolph Ziggler and The Miz – both involved in recent Randy Orton/Shield altercations. Of course, it helps Orton become the killer Viper again though he has a long way to go in regaining that form. And The Shield? These 3 are the future of WWE hands down. Triple H is now the new super heel boss that everyone wants to see get his ass kicked. Steph is Steph. You can build a solid foundation for the WWE for years to come on this angle alone, as long as they don’t rush or screw this up.

    Get the latest WWE wallpaper featuring what many think is what’s best for business, the whole Authority- WWE Superstars (rebels) storyline wallpaper!

    Like us on Facebook! We’re only at 1.1k right now 🙁

    Disclaimer: Image of Daniel Bryan belong to and are copyrighted to/by WWE. There is no copyright infringement intended.

    NEW Daniel Bryan WWE Champion wallpaper!

    daniel bryan yes wallpaper

    YES! WWE Champion Daniel Bryan wallpaper
    1920×1200 | 1920×1080 | 1680×1050 | 1600×900 | 1440×900 | 1280×1024 | 1280×800 | 1024×768 / iPad / Tablet | PS Vita wallpaper | PSP wallpaper | Mobile / iPod Touch / iPhone wallpaper | iPhone 5 wallpaper | 3D wallpaper | Facebook Timeline Cover

    As predicted before (Orton’s short-lived championship reign), Daniel Bryan is now the WWE Champion for the 2nd time. It was quite surprising though considering the hell Bryan had to get through just to get his rematch at Night of Champions. He won with a bit of a fast count from the referee (I’ll leave that up to you guys if it was indeed a fast count or not) so expect something big tomorrow especially from Triple H. This may mean another short title run for the goat-faced champion because of that controversial count. For now though, DBry is the WWE Champion and everyone got swerved since almost no one gave him a puncher’s chance of regaining the title this soon. I’m glad WWE went with this direction. It makes the storylines unpredictable! Good job creative team.

    Finally, Daniel Bryan is quickly becoming the true face of the WWE. That, my friends, is what’s best for business! Celebrate Daniel Bryan’s WWE Championship win by downloading this newest Daniel Bryan wallpaper! Yes? YES! YES! YES!

    Like us on Facebook!

    Disclaimer: Image of Daniel Bryan belong to and are copyrighted to/by WWE. There is no copyright infringement intended.

    NEW AJ Divas Champion wallpaper!

    aj wwe wallpaper

    “Total Diva” WWE Divas Champion AJ pipebomb wallpaper
    1920×1200 | 1920×1080 | 1680×1050 | 1600×900 | 1440×900 | 1280×1024 | 1280×800 | 1024×768 / iPad / Tablet | PS Vita wallpaper | PSP wallpaper | Mobile / iPod Touch / iPhone wallpaper | iPhone 5 wallpaper | 3D wallpaper | Facebook Timeline Cover

    AJ’s “pipebombshell” this past Monday Night Raw was something we all didn’t expect to happen. It was incredible watching something like that from a WWE Diva. I believe it wasn’t a total shoot though. Worse is if it was done to promote the Total Divas show instead of showcasing the WWE Divas Champion more prominently than noobs like Eva Marie (she’s hot though) and Jojo. If this leads to AJ feuding with one of the casts from Total Divas, I hope it would be Natalya. If its the Bella Twins, AJ should come out dominating. Nattie is the only real threat there right now.

    The only Total Diva in the eyes of the WWE Universe is none other than the Divas champ AJ. She may have been left out of the Total Divas cast (not that she needs it anyway), but for her, competing in a WWE ring in a nightly basis is a lot better than being in a “reality” series that doesn’t showcase her real talents and skills, wrestling-wise. She’s right, she’s carried the Divas division for a while now and for that alone, AJ deserves a lengthy title reign.

    Light up your wallpaper by downloading today’s WWE wallpaper featuring the reigning and defending WWE Divas Champion, AJ! Like Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers on Facebook!

    Disclaimer: Images of AJ belong to and is copyrighted to/by WWE. There is no copyright infringement intended.

    NEW Randy Orton WWE Champion wallpaper

    rko wallpaper

    “Evolution’s Finest” WWE Champion Randy Orton wallpaper
    1920×1200 | 1920×1080 | 1680×1050 | 1600×900 | 1440×900 | 1280×1024 | 1280×800 | 1024×768 / iPad / Tablet | PS Vita wallpaper | PSP wallpaper | Mobile / iPod Touch / iPhone wallpaper | iPhone 5 wallpaper | 3D wallpaper | Facebook Timeline Cover

    In WWE SummerSlam 2004, Randy Orton became the youngest World Heavyweight Champion in WWE history by defeating the late Chris Benoit. Almost a decade later, Randy Orton is now a 10-time champion, with his latest reign starting from yesterday’s WWE SummerSlam. With John Cena taking time off to heal his injured elbow, as much as I might get heat for this, I think Randy winning last night was a better way to pave for him to become the top heel once again for WWE AND at the same time, handing the underdog and top face spot to Daniel Bryan. Remember how Austin was chasing the WWE Championship most of the time than him being a long-reigning champion? It’s about the chase, and I believe DBry will benefit more from that in the long run. As long as Daniel Bryan doesn’t suffer setbacks or any form of long-term injury, The Beard is on his way to becoming the top face of the WWE. This storyline will lead to amazing twists and turns, with Orton and Bryan providing great wrestling at the same time. We’ve been asking for a heel turn for Mr. RKO for years now and here he is now. It could also mean a revival of Corporation, with HHH and Orton leading the pack OR it could be a brand-new Evolution, with new members on their side. In the end though, Orton’s reign will be short-lived. Daniel Bryan is on his way to winning the WWE Championship for the 2nd time soon. Mark it.

    Since a lot of fans have been talking about an Evolution reunion with Triple H and Randy Orton conspiring, today’s RKO wallpaper features Randy Orton, arguably, as the finest product Evolution has offered since the group’s formation. You can certainly make a case for HHH, Ric Flair or Batista but Orton’s on top right now. Anyway, download this Evolution-themed Randy Orton as WWE Champion wallpaper now!

    Finally got to 1k! Give us more likes on Facebook!

    Disclaimer: Images of Randy Orton, Triple H, Batista and Ric Flair belong to and are copyrighted to/by WWE. There is no copyright infringement intended.

    NEW RVD “One Of A Kind” wallpaper!

    rob van dam wallpaper

    RVD WWE wallpaper
    1920×1200 | 1920×1080 | 1680×1050 | 1600×900 | 1440×900 | 1280×1024 | 1280×800 | 1024×768 / iPad / Tablet | PS Vita wallpaper | PSP wallpaper | Mobile / iPod Touch / iPhone wallpaper | iPhone 5 wallpaper | 3D wallpaper | Facebook Timeline Cover

    One of a kind!

    When that music hits, you know you’re in for a treat. Mr. Monday Night, the whole f’n show, RVD has truly come back to WWE. His recent run of matches, especially the one against Chris Jericho, was an absolute reminder of how good this man is. The pointless match against Alberto del Rio doesn’t count. Anyway, Rob Van Dam may not be a regular on the next few months since he’s on a contract similar to Y2J, but I think it’s for the better. It keeps him fresh, the fans won’t get tired and his matches will be treated with more importance. I believe he’s in the long haul from now on, even though he won’t be on TV every week. As long as he keeps giving us five star matches, I’m good! Imagine him mixing up with the hottest WWE Superstars of today: The Shield, CM Punk and of course, Daniel Bryan. You might wanna add a singlet vs. singlet match against Ryback too haha.

    What are you waiting for? Get this RVD wallpaper today!

    47 more likes to get to our first 1k in Facebook!

    Disclaimer: Images of Rob Van Dam belong to and are copyrighted to/by WWE. There is no copyright infringement intended.


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    Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers is a non-commerce site. The content on this website is intended for entertainment purposes only. There is no copyright infringement implied or intended. Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers is not affiliated with and not endorsed or sponsored by WWE, AEW, TNA, ROH, UFC or any company for that matter. Images, videos and all other content represented on this website are copyrighted and are the sole property of their owners and this site is not claiming those said rights. All other brand and product names are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective holders. Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers has no intention of competing against those copyright