Tommaso Ciampa & Timothy Thatcher wallpaper:
Mobile: Android / iPhone mobile wallpaper
Mobile Max / Plus: Android Plus / iPhone Max mobile wallpaper
Orange Cassidy OC USA logo wallpaper:
Mobile: Android / iPhone mobile wallpaper
Mobile Max / Plus: Android Plus / iPhone Max mobile wallpaper
Some quick ones right here guys. Ciampa-Thatcher wallpaper for the NXT faithful, and Orange Cassidy (OC USA) for the AEW supporter. Or maybe, just get them both, right? It really doesn’t matter, as long as you love wrestling!
Both are available in mobile and mobile max / plus resolutions!
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Disclaimer: Image(s) belong to and are copyrighted to/by WWE and AEW, respectively. There is no copyright infringement intended.
Posted in AEW, All Designs, I) Wrestling Wallpapers, NXT, Orange Cassidy, Timothy Thatcher, Tommaso Ciampa
Tags: AEW, AEW Wallpapers, iPad wallpapers, mobile wallpaper, NXT, NXT wallpaper, Orange Cassidy, Timothy Thatcher, Tommaso Ciampa, Wallpapers, wrestling wallpaper