NEW Imperium vs. The Brawling Brutes poster and mobile wallpaper!

sheamus vs. gunther

WWE Clash at the Castle’s 5-Star Match: Sheamus vs. Gunther!

Mobile: Android or iPhone wallpaper
Mobile Max / Plus: Android Plus or iPhone Max wallpaper
Social Media: Poster | Instagram

Sheamus vs. Gunther at Clash at the Castle was 100% slobberknocker. Everyone predicted that it’ll be a very, VERY physical matchup, but I certainly did not expect it to be a 5-star, match of the year instant classic. The fight effectively, and organically, made Sheamus, Butch and Ridge Holland bonafide faces. Major props to Gunther (and his newly-reformed Imperium stable too) for killin’ it with these hard-hitting matches. He blends really well with justt about anyone in the roster. His menacing presence even allowed Sheamus to become an underdog. A beloved face. In 2022. I know, right??

We saw the makings of a future money feud between Imperium and The Brawling Brutes last Friday at SmackDown. Hey, I wouldn’t mind a New Day-Usos level of intense rematches if they can keep bringing the pain, literally, against each other. These 2 teams bring the best in each other.

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Disclaimer: Images belong to and are copyrighted to/by WWE. There is no copyright infringement intended.

NEW Intercontinental Champion Gunther wallpaper!

imperium wwe wallpaper

Ludwig Kaiser and Gunther

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HD: 2560×1440 | 1920×1080 | 1600×900 | 1366×768
Mobile: Android or iPhone wallpaper
Mobile Max / Plus: Android Plus or iPhone Max wallpaper
Tablet: iPad wallpaper | iPad Air wallpaper | iPad Pro wallpaper

The very menacing Gunther has captured the Intercontinental Championship from Ricochet, and frankly, no one even gave the former champ a chance against the Ring General. It was just a matter of time before Gunther (formerly known as Walter in NXT/NXT UK) marches down on the way to the main event scene. Watch out, Roman.

The man even slimmed down and made a superb body transformation. Props to him for taking care of his body. Now, he’s even boss-like, entrance theme and look-wise. More lethal chops will be raining down soon on whoever challenges him for the Intercontinental Championship Title.

Ludwig Kaiser, being a legit mat tactician and Gunther’s voice, has certainly added an invincible aura to the man with his intimidating introductions and ringside presence. These two combined makes for a dangerous duo that can not only go for singles titles, but the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Championship as well.

With the way things are going, Gunther would probably have an IC Championship reign for at least a year. 2 years isn’t impossible either.

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Disclaimer: Image belong to and is copyrighted to/by WWE. There is no copyright infringement intended.

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