NEW WrestleMania XXX wallpaper: Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H PLUS possible WWE World Heavyweight Championship 3-way match!

daniel bryan wrestlemania wallpaper

WrestleMania 30: Daniel Bryan vs. HHH (if Bryan wins, he joins Batista & Randy Orton in the WWE World Heavyweight Championship match) wallpaper
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The YES Movement have taken WWE (and non-wrestling events) by storm. It also pushed Daniel Bryan into a very challenging but rewarding scenario at WrestleMania XXX.

After being held back by Triple H and the corporate machine for the past 6 months, Daniel Bryan is finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. He was able to lure The Game into fighting him at WM30 and of course not only that but he was able to make HHH agree to his creative stipulation: if he wins, he gets added to the main event match making it a three-way dance between him, Batista and the current WWE World Heavyweight Champion, Randy Orton. It’s not an easy road considering he needs to win first against one of the all-time greats in WrestleMania history before he gets the opportunity to win the prestigious belts and become the face of the WWE. However, as we’ve seen before from this future Hall of Famer, Daniel Bryan can work multiple matches. The dude is a total workhorse. He’d be making a historical feat when he holds the WWE World Heavyweight Championship up in the air, going through 3 household names in professional wrestling (and former members of Evolution too right?).

Will the much-awaited payoff happen at WrestleMania XXX for the leader of the YES Movement? The fans are sick and tired of the BS Daniel Bryan has gone through. WM30 IS THE ‘RIGHTEST’ TIME FOR HIM TO BE CHAMP ONCE AGAIN! Now with that said, Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers brings to you the this latest WrestleMania 30 wallpaper featuring Daniel Bryan and his road to WrestleMania against Triple H, Batista and Randy Orton.

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Disclaimer: Images of Daniel Bryan, Triple H, Batista, Randy Orton & WrestleMania 30 belong to and are copyrighted to/by WWE. There is no copyright infringement intended.

NEW Royal Rumble Winner Batista wallpaper!

royal rumble wallpaper

WWE Royal Rumble 2014 winner Batista wallpaper
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(Considering the amount of hate reactions during and after Rumble match, please don’t flame this post and don’t think I wasn’t disappointed about the outcome because I was. Thank you :P)

We’re officially on the road to WrestleMania 30 now.

Batista has won the 2014 WWE Royal Rumble just awhile ago. He eliminated Roman Reigns (which did one heck of a showing on this night) to officially challenge for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania 30. The question now is who will he be facing? We all know Brock Lesnar is in line for a title shot against Randy Orton probably on this year’s Elimination Chamber PPV.. With Lesnar bringing the pain with his “Eat, Sleep, Conquer, Repeat” mantra, chances of Randy retaining the WWEWHC looks bleak. A Batista-Brock encounter at the Grandest Stage of Them All MIGHT be a better selling point now..especially DANIEL BRYAN didn’t even qualify for a spot at the Rumble and be able to win it to finally get the chance to end Orton’s reign and get his WrestleMania moment with thousands of YES chants. Ok I’m ranting here now.

I’d like to make one thing clear: I like Batista and I’m totally glad he’s back in WWE now. It’s just bad timing right now since Bryan is white hot and should be main eventing WrestleMania 30 no doubt. Hope you guys don’t put the blame on Batista since WWE’s making the decisions here. I think that’s where we should point our fingers at.

Back to Batista, The Animal will be on an interesting journey for the next few months. His Guardians of the Galaxy movie is coming up soon so I won’t be surprise if he ends up winning the belts at WM30. Anyway, Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers gives you its first 2014 wrestling wallpaper featuring the WWE Royal Rumble 2k14 winner, The Animal, Batista!

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Disclaimer: Images of Batista, Orton, Lesnar & title belts belong to and are copyrighted to/by WWE. There is no copyright infringement intended.

NEW “Return of The Animal” Batista wallpaper!

batista return wallpaper

Batista “Return of The Animal” 2014 wallpaper
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The Animal is coming! Mark your calendars: January 20, 2014. As to whether he works part-time or full-time from that date, we still don’t know. What we do know is he’ll bring the smackdown on anyone he feuds with. I’m excited for potential matchups against big men like Ryback or Brock Lesnar and quick and agile wrestlers like CM Punk and Daniel Bryan. And what about Roman Reigns? You see where this is going? Let’s see if he can still perform on a consistent, high-level basis. I hope he ain’t a shell of his former self. The Animal, in this case, is the one who hunts, not the one being hunted. Now, who gets punched in the face first? As he said on a tweet, playtime’s over kids.

With that said, Kupy Wrestling Wallpapers gives you this Batista wallpaper as preparation for his 2014 return! Don’t let your desktop/mobile screens walk feel alone and get this wallpaper now!

Also, I would like to take this opportunity to ask for help for my fellow countrymen who are suffering right now due to Super Typhoon Haiyan / Yolanda. Your help will go a long way in giving emergency aid to these people. Please make a donation today to any of the following: Red Cross Philippines | Red Cross US | Red Cross UK. Thank you so much!

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Disclaimer: Images of Batista belong to and are copyrighted to/by WWE. There is no copyright infringement intended.

NEW Randy Orton WWE Champion wallpaper

rko wallpaper

“Evolution’s Finest” WWE Champion Randy Orton wallpaper
1920×1200 | 1920×1080 | 1680×1050 | 1600×900 | 1440×900 | 1280×1024 | 1280×800 | 1024×768 / iPad / Tablet | PS Vita wallpaper | PSP wallpaper | Mobile / iPod Touch / iPhone wallpaper | iPhone 5 wallpaper | 3D wallpaper | Facebook Timeline Cover

In WWE SummerSlam 2004, Randy Orton became the youngest World Heavyweight Champion in WWE history by defeating the late Chris Benoit. Almost a decade later, Randy Orton is now a 10-time champion, with his latest reign starting from yesterday’s WWE SummerSlam. With John Cena taking time off to heal his injured elbow, as much as I might get heat for this, I think Randy winning last night was a better way to pave for him to become the top heel once again for WWE AND at the same time, handing the underdog and top face spot to Daniel Bryan. Remember how Austin was chasing the WWE Championship most of the time than him being a long-reigning champion? It’s about the chase, and I believe DBry will benefit more from that in the long run. As long as Daniel Bryan doesn’t suffer setbacks or any form of long-term injury, The Beard is on his way to becoming the top face of the WWE. This storyline will lead to amazing twists and turns, with Orton and Bryan providing great wrestling at the same time. We’ve been asking for a heel turn for Mr. RKO for years now and here he is now. It could also mean a revival of Corporation, with HHH and Orton leading the pack OR it could be a brand-new Evolution, with new members on their side. In the end though, Orton’s reign will be short-lived. Daniel Bryan is on his way to winning the WWE Championship for the 2nd time soon. Mark it.

Since a lot of fans have been talking about an Evolution reunion with Triple H and Randy Orton conspiring, today’s RKO wallpaper features Randy Orton, arguably, as the finest product Evolution has offered since the group’s formation. You can certainly make a case for HHH, Ric Flair or Batista but Orton’s on top right now. Anyway, download this Evolution-themed Randy Orton as WWE Champion wallpaper now!

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Disclaimer: Images of Randy Orton, Triple H, Batista and Ric Flair belong to and are copyrighted to/by WWE. There is no copyright infringement intended.

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